
Office Address

123/A, Miranda City Likaoli
Prikano, Dope

Phone Number

+0989 7876 9865 9

+(090) 8765 86543 85

Email Address

Audience Segments

It’s easy to conduct market research online using market research surveys. They’re an affordable and reliable way to gather information from your target markets. Protics Research gather a large number of data points and match profiles and demographics to convey the ideal spectators effectively. We collaborate with our customers to enable them to locate the most challenging audience profiles effortlessly.

Registration Demographics

► Age

► Email

► Gender

► Last Name

► Mobile Phone #

► State/Province

► City

► Employment Status

►  Household Income

► Marital Status

► Ages of Children in Household

► Street Address

► Country

► Ethnicity

► Industry

► Mobile Device Type

► Primary Language

► ZIP/Postal Code

► Education Level

► First Name

► Job Title

► Mobile OS

► Profession

► Region


18% Northwest
23% West
37% South
21% Midwest
1% Other
33% Married


51% Male
49% Female


7% 13-17
24% 18-24
27% 25-34
18% 35-44
13% 45-54
11% 55+


3% Asian
10% Hispanic/Latino
59% White/Caucasian
12% Black/African American
12% Other

Marital Status

36% Single
9% Divorced
11% Decline to answer
7% Living with partner
2% Separated
2% Widowed

> Age of Company

> Budget Oversight

> Business Travel Business-Related

> Computer Brand

> Computer Operating System

> Computer Usage

> Decision-Making

> Income Industry

> IT-Related

> Job Role/Title

> Linkedin Usage

> Mobile Phone Usage

> Number of Employees

> Number of Locations

> Office Location-Type

> Office Equipment Used

> Organizational Revenue

> Total Investable Assets

 > Crohn’s Disease

> Cystic Fibrosis

> Deafness

> Dementia

> Depression

> Diabetes (Type I & II)

> Dietary Habits

> Emphysema

> Epilepsy

> Erectile Dysfunction

> Exercise Habits

> Fibromyalgia

> Gastric Bypass

> Surgery General

> Surgical procedures


> Glasses/Contacts Usage

> Glaucoma

> Acne

> Atrial Fibrillation


> Alcohol consumption

> Allergies

> Alzheimer’s Disease

> Anxiety Disorders

> Anorexia/Bulimia

> Arthritis

> Asthma

> Autism Back Pain

> Bipolar Disorder

> Blood Disorders BMI

> Botox Usage

> Cancer – all types

> Chronic Pain

> Colitis


> Gout

> Gym Membership

> Gynecological

> Disorders

> Headaches (minor)

> Hepatitis (all types)

> High Blood Pressure

> High Cholesterol

> Hypertension

> Infertility

> Insurance

> Irritable Bowel Syndrome

> Lupus

> Medication Usage

> Menopause

> Migraines

> Multiple Sclerosis

> Obesity

> Osteoporosis

> Parkinson’s Disease

> Participation in Clinical Trials

> Physical Activities

> Plastic Surgery

> Pneumonia

> Psoriasis/Eczema

> Rheumatoid Arthritis

> Schizophrenia

> Shingles

> Sinusitis/Rhinitis

> Sleep Disorders

> Smoking Habits

> Strokes

> Ulcerative Colitis

> Acculturation Level

> Citizenship

> Country of Birth

> Immigration Generation

> In-Community Environment

> Language usage in home

> Language usage out of home

> Media Consumption In-Home(Internet, TV, Print & TV)

> Primary Language

> Secondary Language

> Social media usage

> Years lived in us

Additional Demographics

>  Alcohol Budget                                            >  Cooking Frequency

>  Alcohol Categories/Brands                         >  Frequency

>  Alcohol Consumption                                  >  Fast Food Visitation

>  Baking Frequency                                      >  Food Budget

>  Bottled Water                                             >  Food Categories/Brands

>  Categories/Brands                                     >  Grocery Shopping Habits

>  Consumption Frequency                           >  Organic Food Consumption

>  Coffee/Tea                                                 >  Restaurant Visitation

>  Categories/Brands                                    >  Soda Categories/Brands Soda Consumption

>  Consumption Frequency

> Beverage & Food         > Cooking Frequency

>  Administrative & Executive Assistants                    >  Manager

>  Administrator                                                          >  Marketing Manager

>  Analyst/Senior                                                        >  Military

>  Analyst Architect                                                    >  MIS Director

>  Assistant Manager/Assistant Director                   >  Nurse

>  Assistant VP                                                          >  Occupational/Physical Therapist

>  Associate/Senior                                                   >  Operator

>  Associate                                                              >  Opticians/Optometrist

>  Attorney                                                                >  Owner/Principal

>  Audiologist                                                            >  Officer Chief Information

>  Business Development Directors                         >  Officer Chief Operations

>  Buyer                                                                    >  Officer Chief Technology

>  Certified Public Accountant                                  >  Officer Computer Analyst

>  Chairman/Board Member                                     >  Pharmacist

>  Chemist/Scientist                                                  >  Physician

>  Chief Executive Officer                                         >  Planner Police Officer

>  Chief Financial                                                     >  President

>  Consultant                                                            >  Product Manager

>  Controller                                                              >  Programmer

>  Counselor                                                             >  Project Manager

>  Customer Service                                                >  Psychologist

>  Dentist/Dental Hygienist                                      >  Publisher/Producer

>  Designer                                                              >  Representative/Sales

>  Director                                                                >  Representative Database Administrator

>  Directors                                                             >Secretary

>  Director/Department Head                                 >Senior Manager Server Architect

>  Editor/Writer                                                       >  Social Worker

>  Educator                                                            >  Software Developer

>  Engineer                                                            >  Speech Pathologist/

>  Executive Officer                                               >  Student Supervisor

>  Executive VP/Senior VP Financial Advisor       >  Systems Administrator

>  Fireman                                                             >  Technicians/Technician Specialists

>  General Manager                                              >  Tradesman/Trade Specialist

>  Government                                                      >  Treasurer

>  Graphic Designer                                              >  Veterinarian

>  Human Resources                                            >  Vice President

>  IT Consultant                                                    >  Web Developer

>  IT Manager                                                       >  Webmaster

>  Cable TV                                                      >  Number of Hours of TV per week

>  DVD Ownership                                           >  Number of Movies at Theater per Year

>  Magazine Categories                                   >  Online

>  Movie Interests                                             >  Purchased per Year

>  Movies Purchased From TV                         >  TV Viewing

>  Magazine Subscriptions                               >  TV Show Categories

>  Number of DVDs

>  Frequency of Play                                    >  Gaming Platforms

>  Gaming Accessories Used                      >  Owned Video Game Types

>  Gaming Communities                             >  Video Games Owned

>  Appliances in Home                            >  Pet Ownership

>  Method of Survey                               >  Political Interests

>  Musical Interests                                >  Reading Habits

>  News Consumption                            >  Religious Affiliation

>  Participation                                       >  Teen Hobbies and Interests

>  Daily Hours Spent                                         >  Mobile Phone Number

>  Mobile Application Usage                             >  Mobile Phone Provider

>  Mobile Brand                                                >  Number of Household Mobile Phones

>  Mobile Operating System                             >  Religious Affiliation

>  Mobile Phone Activities                                >  Types of Mobile Research Projects

>  Banking Institutions Used                            >  Type & Ownership of Residency

> Credit Cards Used                                        >  Years at Present Location

>  Investable Assets

>  Childcare                                                      >  Parenting Style

>  Fertility Formula Usage                                >  Pregnancy

>  Number/Age of Children                              >  Shopping Preferences

>  Household Products                                    >  Purchase Decision-Making

>  Product Ownership                                      >  Shopping Budget

>  Channels Used                                           >  Privacy Outlook

>  Daily Hours                                                >  Social Media

>  Number of Followers/Friends

>  Computer Ownership                                  >  Internet Usage

>  Electronic Ownership                                  >  Online Shopping Habits

>  Email Usage                                               >  Printer Ownership

>  Frequency of Online                                   >  Social Media Usage

>  News Consumption                                    >  Software Usage

>  Internet Connection                                    >  Tablet Usage

>  Type at Home                                             >  Webcam Ownership

>  Car Rentals Used                                       >  Leisure Trips Per Year

>  Cities Visited                                               > Loyalty Program

>  Countries Visited                                        >  Type & Ownership of Residency

>  Cruising                                                      >  Vacations Taken

>  Hotels Visited                                             >  Years at Present Location

>  Investable Assets